Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pat's St Pat's Picks

Yes, I'm half- Irish and yes I was born this week, ergo, I'm named for himself, the great bishop and saint of Ireland, St Patrick.

In honor of the great one to whom I owe me name, here's a wee bit o' readin' for the likes of you, doncha know....

A St Patrick's Day Poem, by McNamara himself

Why St. Patrick's Day Matters to Everyone, more from Dr Pat McNamara, a church historian with a sense of humor. ( I keep telling him we're keeping the "Pat" in Patheos...)

Bio of St. Patrick, short version

Bio of St. Patrick, dense version

Oh, and the obligatory St. Patrick is Italian story.

Friend St Patrick on facebook. C'mon let's put him over the top with 5000 likes!

My childhood and St Patrick's Cathedral show up in an article about the Catechism.

St Patrick's in NYC. The one, the only.

And St Patrick's Breastplate:


  1. Ha! Who is surprised to see all this? Didn't he have a cuban momma? He seemed such a charitable sort :)


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