Monday, July 26, 2010

Why Archbishop Chaput Stays in My "Must Read" feed...

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput OFM Cap. of Denver, is a gift to the Catholic Church -- not only as a bishop, but as a writer. In both roles, he fully embraces the role of a bishop to sanctify, to teach and to govern.  His latest written contribution is this gem, found over at First Things:
Scripture is passionate; it’s a love story, and it can only be absorbed by giving it everything we have: our mind, our heart and our will. It’s the one story that really matters; the story of God’s love for humanity. And like every great story, it has a structure. Talking about that structure and its meaning is my purpose here today.
A simple way of understanding God’s Word is to see that the beginning, middle and end of Scripture correspond to man’s creation, fall, and redemption. Creation opens Scripture, followed by the sin of Adam and the infidelity of Israel. This drama takes up the bulk of the biblical story until we reach a climax in the birth of Jesus and the redemption he brings. Thus, creation, fall, and redemption make up the three key acts of Scripture’s story, and they embody God’s plan for each of us.  

He continues by reviewing "the basics", and quotes one of my favorite lines from Pope St. Leo the Great -- the same great pope-saint who faced down Attila the Hun, and saved Rome from being sacked.

Therefore we succeed as disciples and as genuinely “human” beings only if we live in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ works through us for our own salvation and the salvation of others. 
We do that by creating in our daily lives a time for prayer, silence, and for reading and studying the Word of God. We do it by worshipping together in the community of God’s people. And we do it by submitting our pride and our lives to our mater et magistra—the Church who is our “mother and teacher,” precisely because she is also ecclesiam suam, “his Church,” the Church Jesus Christ founded, guides and loves for the salvation of his people.
More than 15 centuries ago, St. Leo the Great said, “Christian, recognize your dignity, and now that you share in God’s own nature, do not return to your former base condition by sinning.” His words are equally true today. The story of Scripture is the greatest story ever told—a story of God’s creative power, man’s betrayal, God’s redemptive love; and a new destiny for humanity greater and more beautiful than anything any of us can imagine. What man has violated—including himself—God makes new and better.
 Read the whole brilliant piece here.  

FYI: Archbishop Chaput's weekly homilies can be heard here.

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